Eileen, my fellow blogger and partner-in-crime wanted to book an exotic, far off two week vacation for the 2 of us. While I dragged my feet, she flew off to see friends in SoCal and soak up the sun. By the time she got back we wound up with only the possibility of a long weekend getaway. With me literally in the driver's seat, we had to be a quick trip from home. That's how we settled on a place called Hudson. From the moment we stepped into our hotel we knew this wasn’t the typical New York backwater town. Hudson, when we turned our back, had arrived!
Although we heard of the great turnaround of Hudson, nothing could have prepared us for it. Nor were we expecting the hipster, modern, uber friendly vibe coming from this small town - where just 10 minutes before, we’d encountered angry car honks and hugh signs for ammo/gun shops.
Gilded Owl Gallery pre opening
This wasn’t the Woodstock vibe either that seems frozen in ‘68. Having spent my late teens and early 20’s in the hippie counterculture while living in conservative, rural New York and New England towns, I was shocked at the transformation of this once rundown community - a slice of young, hip Brooklyn without all the attitude - surrounded by the gorgeous Catskill Mountains and the mighty flow of the Hudson!
The lion’s share of stores were full of either natural, zero waste new goods or cutting-edge recycled furniture with hefty price tags. And what truly amazed us is that we felt like we were in a bubble of proprietors who truly loved their jobs and the place they worked at. At 2 Notes we found musicians selling scents in the same way one would create a symphony.

For 2 born and raised savvy New Yorkers it felt like a gimmick. Was this just a façade or were they these people real deal? Whether selling scents, clothing, furniture or tasty foods, they seemed happy to share and accommodate - regardless of whether we were there to buy or just browse. And they seemed oh, so happy to share with us their knowledge about each product.
Richard Saja's sumptuously embroidered textiles
These are just a few highlights from our trips. Yes that’s a plural. After two weeks away we were invited back to an opening of Richard Saja's sumptuously embroidered textiles at the Gilded Owl Gallery. We grabbed the opportunity to return to Hudson and to visit visit nearby Olana - artist Frederic Church's estate. Suddenly, the drive didn’t seem that long.